From the products that we use every day to the medications we take to stay healthy, manufacturers have a duty to design, manufacture, market, and sell products that are safe and work as expected. When consumers and patients are injured because a manufacturer failed that duty, the law allows the injured to seek compensation for those injuries.
If a group of people are hurt by the same product (such as a PAM cooking spray explosion or a Juul vape/e-cigarette addiction) or drug, they can ask a panel of judges that the cases be consolidated to one court as a mass tort action. In this way, the group of individuals and their attorneys become a collective that can work more efficiently and often more effectively than when separate cases against the same manufacturer are handled in courts across the country.
Mass tort litigation is not the same as a class action. In a mass tort, similar product, device, drug, negligence or personal injury claims are heard individually, and the amount of damages depends on the circumstances of each individual case. In a class action, the cases are not weighed individually and damages are shared among all those who have filed a claim.
You Need a Firm that Focuses on Mass Tort Litigation
Because litigation can last for years, firms that focus on tort cases must have the financial capital required to cover ongoing expenses, as well as the costs of expert witnesses, investigation teams, travel, and the costs of the tools needed to track and record all evidence and information regarding the case.
Attorneys that focus on mass tort litigation generally have more in-depth knowledge about the issues surrounding the cases than traditional firms, have more experience litigating in challenging jurisdictions, and know how to work effectively with other counsel to achieve results for our clients.
To put it simply, though any law firm can file a lawsuit on behalf of those consumers and patients who are injured by a medication, medical device, or product, these people are usually best served by a firm that focuses on this type of complex litigation.
Pulaski Kherkher, PLLC – Nationally-recognized Personal Injury Lawyers
Pulaski Kherkher, PLLC, is deeply experienced in mass tort litigation and has spent decades fighting for the rights of clients and helping them get the compensation they need and deserve. Over the last thirty years, we have achieved major victories for our clients including thousands of case settlements and billions in awards. And we are far from done. We will continue to be a voice for the injured and lead the charge to hold those responsible for your injuries liable.
If you or someone you love has been injured by a medicine, device, or product, contact us today. We never charge you a fee for an initial consultation and will help you determine if you have a valid case and are eligible to seek compensation for your injuries.