Women today have many different options for birth control. Oral contraceptives are one of the most popular forms of birth control, but there are other methods such as tubal litigation or non-surgical birth controls which are considered “permanent.” These options are low-maintenance opportunities that many women are using. It is hard to remember to take a pill every day, and the costs over the years can impact a woman’s budget. Permanent methods of birth control are generally one-time procedures that are utilized. Doctors recommend that follow up appointments be regularly scheduled, but there is no need to take that daily pill anymore. However, some women who use one type of permanent birth control are suffering serious injury and have filed Essure lawsuits across the country.
Tubal litigation – This is otherwise known as a woman getting her “tubes tied.” This does require surgery, and the doctor closes the fallopian tubes. This is a permanent type of birth control, as the tubes are either severed, burned, or closed using a clip-like device. All normal functions of the female body will continue even if this procedure is completed, the only difference is that the woman has no chance of getting pregnant. Menstrual cycles and egg production will continue as normal and will not be affected.
Nonsurgical birth control – These methods are also considered permanent types of birth control. Many women prefer the non-surgical methods because there is less stress and a shorter procedure time with these. Many procedures take only a few minutes and the woman can leave within the hour. These procedures involve placing inserts in the fallopian tubes. Barriers will eventually form around the inserts which blocks sperm from reaching the eggs. Since the barriers take time to form, other methods of birth control should be used until the doctor states it is acceptable to rely on the inserts entirely. This can take several weeks to several months to occur.
Women choose permanent birth control to create stability and peace of mind in their lives. Unplanned pregnancy will be prevented, and not remembering to have to purchase and take a pill every day are some of the main reasons while permanent birth control is considered. Methods such as these also have high efficiency results, with most ranging from 97 to 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Permanent methods also have higher rates of efficiency than temporary methods such as oral contraceptives.
Speaking with your health care professional will determine whether or not permanent birth control is right for you. Ask questions; know what different types there are on the market, and talk with your insurance to see if and what will be covered for expenses.
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